Noe Orozco, is an International Coach and Mentor with vast technical knowledge in the World of Multisport and a deep understanding of how the mind works to enhance Human Performance in Sports and Business while promoting Wellbeing.
Masters in Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Master Project on High Performing Teams and Emotional Intelligence
Loughborough University
Psychology Convertion Course for Postgraduates
Covering in depth: Cognitive, Social and Developmental Psychology
Open University
Diploma in Gestalt Counselling
Counsellor and Facilitator in Gestalt and Humanistic Approaches
Centro Gestalt Oaxaca
Work Psychology CPD
Covering:Motivation, Organisational Culture and Leadership in the work place
Oxford University, Dept. of CE
Coaching Skills CPD
Covering: Coaching and Systemic Coaching Tools
Oxford Brookes University , International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies
Level 3 Coaching Triathlon
Highest Possible Qualification in the UK Triathlon System
Open Water Coaching
British Triathlon Federation
Swim Smooth Coaching Techniques
Swim Smooth Loughborough Intensive Course
Level 2 Running Techniques
Confederacion Deportiva Mexicana
UK Anti-Doping Advisor
UK Anti-Doping Organisation
Strength and Conditioning
Loughborough University, Power Gym CPD Workshop
Performance Nutrition for Team Sports
Mac-Nutrition Workshop
Noe has dedicated his passion for Human Performance and Wellbeing for nearly three decades. Starting as an Athletics Coach he later discovered how Imagery Techniques, Mindfulness and other similar techniques, could be used to maximise performance and promote health. Now he seamlessly blends rigorous Scientific Approaches with Ancestral Methods of Performance Optimisation.
Sport Psychology Advisor, Counsellor and Technical Coach
Triathlon England
Providing specialized triathlon coaching, deliver Sport Psychology Skills and mentor Elite young triathletes in preparation to their Senior Elite Career racing in World Championships and Olympic Games.
Mentor of Relaxation and Imagery Techniques
Training individuals and groups from a wide variety of fields in Deep Relaxation and Visualization Techniques to enhance recovery, manage stress, improve well Being and maximize Human Performance.
Sport Psychology Advisor, Counsellor and Technical Coach
British Triathlon Federation
Delivered technical coaching and performance psychology support to the British Paratriathlon Program in preparation for international racing and Paralympic Games Cycles, as well as helping in the search for new talent for the team and their development.
Sport Psychology Tutor
British Triathlon Federation
Delivering the Sport Psychology Module to the Level 3 triathlon candidates mentoring in the use of Sport Psychology Factors and Mental Tools.
Triathlon, Running and Swim Coach
Preparing individuals to perform in National and International Triathlon Championships, domestic triathlon and running races from short to Ultra-distances, as well as delivering and assisting in National and Overseas Triathlon and Swim Training Camps.
Performance Psychology Advisor
Oxford University Women Volleyball's Team
Provided psychological interventions by delivering Performance Psychology Tools to strength team cohesion in close collaboration with the Coaching Staff, as well as enhancing Wellbeing and Academic and Work Performance of the Players and Coaching Staff.
Triathlon Coach and Mentor
Lougborough University Students Triathlon Club
Coached triathletes to compete in University Games and International Racing, as well as providing special support to a group of Selected Performers of the Squad through tailored programmes, 1-2-1 coaching and Sport Psychology Seminars.
Performance Psychology Advisor and Counsellor
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México
Provided performance psychology support to the coaching staff and players of the American Football Teams in the Mexico City Campus of that institution, enhancing Sport and Academic Performance and Wellbeing.